Your name and where you’re from.
My name is Rachel Chagnon and I’m from San Diego, CA.
What are your passions in life?
I love to help people reach their fullest potential! As an eating disorder therapist, it’s such a joy to watch people evolve in recovery and become who they’ve always wanted to be, all while creating a life worth living.
Who or what inspires you?
My mother – she is a compassionate, loving, and confident woman who has shown me that I am capable of breaking all barriers to achieve my goals. She models the importance of authenticity and always doing what is right in this world both for yourself AND others.
What words best describe you and make you a True Character?
Driven, sassy, playful, fun-loving, and hard-worker.
What phrase or saying do you live by?
“She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25
How would you describe your fashion and/or hat style?
I love anything that can be taken from day to night, and from work to happy hour with my girls. Versatile, stylish outfits and hats are my favorite go to looks!