Your name and where you’re from.
My name is Kevin Roddy and I am from Marin County, California
What are your passions in life?
My family comes above all. But I’m also a writer and I love to write. I love books and other types of reading. And then there are movies … doesn’t everybody love the movies?
Who or what inspires you?
Too many things to mention. I try to find inspiration in lots and lots of stuff.
What words best describe you and make you a True Character?
Creative. Passionate. Hard working. Stubborn (in a good way).
What phrase or saying do you live by?
One of my favorite quotes: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” —Henry Ford
How would you describe your fashion and/or hat style?
I love The Depp. I was never a “hat guy” but wore it once and got so many compliments that I now don’t take the damn thing off. It’s become a part of me.